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500+ Whatsapp Short Status (Quote) In English Urdu

Putting up a meaningful Whatsapp Short Status according to the mood is one big trend in the world. Though it’s not easy to choose we will help you find the best short status quotes for your Whatsapp or FB. Find here the best short status for WhatsApp in English, Urdu with a wide variety to select from.

Whatsapp Short Status in English [Short Status for Whatsapp]

Looking for the Best Whatsapp Short Status in English and couldn’t find one? Don’t worry, we are here to help you. Find the quotes or Whatsapp short lines matching perfectly to your demand below. Have fun 🙂

Short status for Whatsapp

Short Status Quotes
I’M Sexy & I Know It.
Keep Calm & Just Chill.
Do What’s Right Not Easy.
Genius By Birth, Evil By Choice.
Don’t Blame Me, I Was Born Awesome.
I’M Soo Cool, Ice Cubes Are Jealous.
All Girls Are My Sisters Except You.
I Am A Hot Dude With A Cool Attitude.
I Don’t Trust Words, I Trust Actions.
A Sense Of Humor Makes A Man Handsome.
I Love My Haters, They Make Me Famous.
If You Are Bad, Then Call Me Your Dad.
Totally Available!! Please Disturb Me!!
I Love Listening Lies When I Know Truth.
I Am Not Perfect. I Am Limited Editions.
It’S Not An Attitude, It’s The Way I Am.
I Love My Haters, They Make Me Famous.
If You Are Bad, Then Call Me Your Dad.
Totally Available!! Please Disturb Me!!
I Love Listening Lies When I Know Truth.
I Am Not Perfect. I Am Limited Editions.
It’S Not An Attitude, It’s The Way I Am.
Here’s to staying positive and testing negative.
Never mistake my kindness for weakness.
I’m sorry if I offended you with my common sense.
Life is like photography, you need negatives to develop it.
Borrow money from a pessimist- – he doesn’t expect it back.
Nowadays, “Cool” Means – I Really Don’t Care.
I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by selling my car.
When life gets tough, remember: You were the strongest sperm.
My room + internet connection + music + food – homework = perfect day.
You don’t have to like me….I am not a Facebook status.
God made everything that has life, rest everything is made in China.
What is a Best friend? A single soul in two bodies.
A tear is made of 1% of water and 99% of feelings.
It is not an attitude. It is the way I am.
Go deep throat a cactus.
What’s wrong with being confident?
Being in a class never asks for Attention.
My swag was phenomenal.
You hate me? Well ok, grab a chair and wait for me to care!
Sunshine mixed with a little hurricane.
I have a natural swagger.
Swag mastah from Doncastah!
You cannot handle my swag.
I don’t race, I don’t chase that’s why I can’t be replaced.
Moving forward in a silent high.
My swag is off the charts.
Hopped up out the bed, turn my swag on.
Aspire to inspire before we expire.
I’m not changed it’s just I grew up and you should try too.
My opinions may have changed, but not the fact that I am right.

Best Short Status For Whatsapp in Hindi [Best Whatsapp Short Quotes]

Recharge your mind while putting up a fine and to the point best Whatsapp Short Status from the list below. Find here the best short lines in the Hindi Language.

short status for Whatsapp in hindi


Tab title
हर बार हम पर इल्ज़ाम लगा देते हो मोहब्बत का, कभी खुद से भी पूछा है इतने हसीन क्यों हो
काश कि वो लौट आयें मुझसे यह कहने, कि तुम कौन होते हो मुझसे बिछड़ने वाले..!!!
कोई ना दे हमें खुश रहने की दुआ, तो भी कोई बात नहीं वैसे भी हम खुशियाँ रखते नहीं, बाँट दिया करते है…!!!
शायरी का बादशाह हुं और कलम मेरी रानी, अल्फाज़ मेरे गुलाम है, बाकी रब की महेरबानी
सूखे होंटों पे ही होती हैं मीठी बातें प्यास जब बुझ जाये तो लहजे बदल जाते हैं …..!!
Selfie लेने वालों के हाथ कानुन से भी लम्बे होते हैं
हद से बढ़ जाये तालुक तो गम मिलते हैं.. हम इसी वास्ते अब हर शख्स से कम मिलते हँ..
आप जिस पर आँख बंद करके भरोसा करते हैं, अक्सर वही आप की आँखें खोल जाता है.
खुद ही दे जाओगे तो बेहतर है..! वरना हम दिल चुरा भी लेते हैं..!
हम क्यों ग़म करें गर वो हमें ना मिले……अरे े! ग़म तो वो करें जिसे हम ना मिले…
जिस्म से होने वाली मुहब्बत का इज़हार आसान होता है. रुह से हुई मुहब्बत को समझाने में ज़िन्दगी गुज़र जाती है..
कैसे बनेगा अमीर वो हिसाब का कच्चा बूढा भिखारी, जो बस एक रुपये के बदले सिग्नल पे खड़ा बेशकीमती दुआए दे देता है
तुम जिन्दगी में आ तो गये हो मगर ख्याल रखना, हम ‘जान’ दे देते हैं मगर ‘जाने’ नहीं देते !!
दुकानें उसकी भी लुट जाती है अक्सर हमने देखा है…! जो दिन भर में न जाने कितने ताले बेच देता है…!!
कितना कुछ जानता होगा वो शख्स मेरे बारे में मेरे मुस्कुराने पर भी जिसने पूछ लिया की तुम उदास क्यों हो.
आइना जब भी उठाया करो.. “पहले देखो”…फिर “दिखाया करो”.!!
खोने की दहशत और पाने की चाहत न होती, तो ना ख़ुदा होता कोई और न इबादत होती .
तुम्हारे हँसने की वजह बनना चाहता हूँ , बस इतना हैं तुमसे कहना…!
जरूरत और चाहत में बहुत फ़र्क है… कमबख्त़ इसमे तालमेल बिठाते बिठाते ज़िन्दगी गुज़र जाती है !!!!
ऐसा जीवन जियो कि अगर कोई आपकी बुराई भी करे तो कोई उस पर विश्वास ना करे।
हर ट्राफीक सिग्नल तेरी याद दिलाता है, तूने भी कुछ इस तरह रंग बदले थे…
दुनियाँ में इतनी रस्में क्यों हैं, प्यार अगर ज़िंदगी है तो इसमें कसमें क्यों हैं, हमें बताता क्यों नहीं ये राज़ कोई, दिल अगर अपना है तो किसी और के बस में क्यों है
हमारा कत्ल करने की उनकी साजीश तो देखो…… गुजरे जब करीब से तो चेहरे से पर्दा हटा लिया….
तुम्हारा दिल है या किसी मंत्री का इस्तीफा, कब से मांग रहा हूँ, दे ही नहीं रही हो..
मेरा Status पढने के बजाय कोई Book पढ़ो…
ज़िन्दगी प्यारी और बहुत प्यारी है पर सिर्फ तब तक जब तक मैं तेरा और तूँ सिर्फ मेरी है
हमसफ़र खूबसूरत नहीं.. सच्चा होना चाहिए .
लाख दिये ‪‎जलाले अपनी ‪‎गली मे..? मगर ‪रोशनी तो ‪हमारे आने से ही ‪‎होगी.
” बात ” उन्हीं की होती है, जिनमें कोई ” बात ” होती है..!
जी भर गया है तो बता दो हमें इनकार पसंद है इंतजार नहीं…!
रेल मंत्री से बस एक ही गुज़ारिश है, मग्गे की चेन लंबी कर दें.
उनकी चाहत में हम कुछ यूँ बंधे हैं कि वो साथ भी नहीं और हम अकेले भी नहीं…!
जब स्टेटस कॉपी होने लग जाए तो समझ लो तरक्की कर रहे हो .
मेरी दिल की दिवार पर तस्वीर हो तेरी.. और तेरे हाथों में हो तकदीर मेरी।
पसंन्द आया तो दिल में , नही तो दिमाग में भी नही

Life WhatsApp Status [Whatsapp Short Quotes About Life]

Need motivation? You are in the right place. Here you will find the best among Whatsapp Short Status about life. Refresh your mind through these motivational quotes about life.

And yes, Don’t forget to share us If you get motivated by our content. Have a good and happy life 🙂

short status about life

Tab title
A life of success and achievement is a direct result of utilizing the power of positive thinking.
A life without challenge would be like going to school without lessons to learn.
A life without challenge would be like going to school without lessons to learn.
A mistake is only a mistake if you don’t learn anything from it, once you learned something from it, it becomes a lesson.
A single moment of true joy is more powerful than a lifetime of sorrow.
After destruction there is construction. Only on letting go will new opportunities comes up.
A person’s success depends on their commitment.
Pray, not to ask God for what you need, but to thank god for what you have. For he knows what you need and when you need it!
Sometimes, you just have to do some stupid things in life to find out who are the ones who will stay on and accept you..
Never judge anyone till you’ve heard the full story and found out why they do the things they do.
Sometimes the answers are not meant to be found. You just have to BELIEVE
Sometimes you have to drop some things in order for you to carry more important things.
It’s not that how tragically we suffer, its how miraculously we live..
Expect nothing from others and you will never be disappointed..
Life leaps like a geyser for those who drill through the rock of inertia.
Life is short. Let’s enjoy the small things in your life. Stay happy and keep smiling!
Sometimes there is no second chance, no next time, no time out. sometime it’s NOW or NEVER!!!!!!!
Work for a cause, Not for applause, live life to express, Not to impress, Don’t strive to make your presence noticed, Just try to make your absence felt.
There is no bad religion. There are only bad people.
If there is anyone in your life who loves you truly without expectation.. it’s your Mom
Stay single until someone actually compliments your life in a way that makes it better…
You can’t force people to stay in your life. Staying is a choice, so be thankful for people who choose you.
When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile.
The People Who Want To Stay In Your Life Will Always Find A Way.. 🙂
There should be no regrets in life. Just lessons.
I love those random memories that make me smile no matter what is going on in my life right now.
My life is like a movie. Their’s success, failure.. but most of all DRAMA.
70% of people pretend to be okay simply because they don’t want to annoy others with their problems.
No matter how much you think you hate school, you’ll always miss it when you leave.
When things don’t add up in your life, start subtracting!
Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can’t help them, at least don’t hurt them.
Dear GOD, Thanks for this beautiful life and forgive me if I don’t love it enough.
A beautiful dress can change the personality but a wonderful behavior can change Life !!
Future belongs to those who know how to wait..
Sometimes The Things We Change End Up Changing Us.
Life Is Too Short To Waste On Hating Other People.
It Only Takes One Person To Change Your Life: You.
One Of The Greatest Diseases Is To Be Nobody To Anybody.
Life is one-time offer, use it well.
Life is never easy for those who dream.
You change your life by changing your heart.
Life is not about finding yourself. Beautiful Life is about creating yourself.
Life is just a journey.
Enjoy life. It comes with an expiry date.
Life is like ice cream, enjoy it before it melts.
Life isn’t always sunshine and butterflies. Sometimes you got to learn to smile through the pain.
Life is a collection of mistakes, you will never learn if you don’t make them.
There is always something to be thankful for.
Life is made of ever so many partings welded together.
A good life is a collection of happy moments.
Sometimes the things we change end up changing us.
Life is too short to waste on hating other people.
It only takes one person to change your life: You.
One of the greatest diseases is to be nobody to anybody.
If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.
Life always offers you a second chance. It’s called tomorrow.
Aspire to inspire before we expire.
Die with memories, not dreams.
Tough times never last but tough people do.
Life doesn’t give you what you want. It gives you what you work for.
Life is not measured by breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.
Your life does not get better by chance; it gets better by change.
Don’t dream your life, live your dream.
The best revenge is living a successful, good life and just being happy.
Life is not a matter of milestones but of moments.
Each new day is another chance to change your life.
Enjoy your own life without comparing it with that of others.
Problems are not the stop signs, they are guidelines.
Hate comes from intimidation, love comes from appreciation.
Life is like a coin. You can spend it anytime you wish but you can spend it only once.
Life is short, smile while you still have teeth.
Life is like photography. We develop from the negative.
Forget the day’s troubles remember the day’s blessings.
Whatever you decide to do, make sure it makes you happy.
Forget what hurt you, but never forget what it taught you.
A well-written life is almost as rare as a well-spent one.
The truth will set you free, but first, it will piss you off.
Every new day gives new things & there we create new memories.
Life is so much brighter when we focus on what truly matters.
We were born to be real, not perfect in our life.
I don’t want a perfect life. I want a happy life.
You can’t start the new chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the last one.
Remember it’s just a bad day, not a bad life.
Life is about laughing and living.
Don’t take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.
Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.
Sometimes the wrong person teaches us the right lessons in life.
The good life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge.
Live life to the fullest and focus on the positive.
Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day-in & day out.
You were given this life because you’re strong enough to live it.
To succeed in life, you need two things: ignorance & confidence.
When life gets harder challenge yourself to be stronger.
Life is the greatest mystery. You never know where it will take you and when it will end.
Life is a data pack, use every GB completely.
We’re just trying to find some color in this black & white world.
Live your life as you like!
I’ve learned if you love life, life will love you back sooner or later.
Success always hugs you in private, but failure always slaps you in the public!
Be yourself! You’re not born to impress anyone.
Life is a game, play it!
Things change, and friends leave. Life doesn’t stop for anybody.
If you are brave to say GOODBYE, life will reward you with a new HELLO.
3 priceless things in life. Trust, loyalty, and respect.
Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced.
Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick. Don’t lose faith.
The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you can’t do.
Live today, for tomorrow it will all be history.
Live and let live.
Life is a beautiful struggle.
Nowadays people know the price of everything and the value of nothing.
Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re going to get.
Love is life. If you miss love, you miss life.
The quality of your life is the quality of your relationships.
No matter how hard we try, life will never be perfect.
My life is my message.
Let your faith be bigger than your fear.
Life stops when you stop dreaming. Hope ends when you stop believing.
Everything will be okay in the end. If it’s not okay, it’s not the end.
Life creates order, but order does not create life.
Nothing’s permanent, you just have to love it, while you still have it.
Love the life you live, and live the life you love.
Sometimes it’s the smallest decisions that can change your life forever.
Never give up. There is no such thing as an ending, just a new beginning.
Life goes on. With or without you.
The way to know life is to love many things.
The less routine the more life.
Change the world by being yourself.
It’s not about forcing happiness. It’s about not letting the sadness win.
You can do anything, but not everything.
“Success” all depends on the second letter.
The truth is rarely pure and never simple.
Spending today, complaining about yesterday won’t make tomorrow any better.
Lost time is never found again – whatsapp short status
You never find yourself until you face the truth.
In order for your life to be great, you must first learn to appreciate it.
Use your smile to change the world. Don’t let the world change your smile.
Enjoy life to be healthy.
Give thanks for a little and you will find a lot.
The secret of life is low expectations!
Believing in you is the first secret to success.
One day your life will flash before your eyes, make sure it’s worth watching.

WhatsApp ShortStatus About Life Images [Status Images for Whatsapp]

For those who love to elaborate their feelings through images. Here is the slider for best Whatsapp Short Status about life. We wish you have happiest life. 🙂

Short Love Status [Short Love Whatsapp Status]

Putting up a lovely and heart touching Whatsapp Short Status is another way of expressing your love in a beautiful way. We hope through the content, we have helped you greatly in this matter of expressing your love for your crush. Have Fun 🙂

Short love status for Whatsapp

Tab title
Every love story is beautiful, But ours is My Favorite!
The good things in life are amazing with you!
I can’t promise to fix all your problems, but I promise you won’t face them alone.
You are my best reason to lose sleep.
I am in love with you and all your little things.
The person who truly loves you will never let you go whatever the situation is.
Love is friendship Set on Fire
I just want to be your favorite Hello, and Hardest goodbye.
Am I just crazy or falling in love?
Love is what your heart feels, not what your mind thinks.
The moment I saw you, I fell in love & you smiled because you knew.
Every time I see the keyboard, I always see U & I together.
The true love is that changes you into a better person without changing you to someone else.
I would love to stay awake just to watch you Sleep.
Being with you has made me 100% complete.
Kiss me, & You will see stars, Love me and I will give them to you…
Love is life, & if you miss life, You miss Love.
We loved with a love which was more than Love.
My 6 words love story – I can’t imagine life without you.
Every time I see you I fall in love all over again.
My heart is and always be yours forever.
I want to know the most perfect way to let you feel how much I love you.
Thank you, my love, for giving life to my hopeless life.
I will never part from you; I promise that I will be there for you as you are for me.
Life is unbearable without you so please stay and love me more.
The moment you entered the scene, black and white became as colorful as the rainbow.
My world revolves around you; I could not imagine what my life would be without you.
Our love blooms like a flower and could be smelled even in a distance.
Reasons are not enough to state why I love you but I really do.
Everything may change, but my love for you would only grow stronger as time passes by.
I would be forever thankful that you came into my life!
Just thinking about him could make me smile all day.
The best thing life has ever destined to me is my love for him.
No words could tell you what I feel for you, so let me just show you instead.
The tiny flame inside of me leaps with joy whenever I see him, my handsome boyfriend.
Without him I feel lost; he is my compass and my map.
The most gifted person I ever know is myself, and that is because I have him in my life.
The most beautiful gift God ever gave me is you.
I know that God loves me infinitely because He gave you to me.
The smartest choice I ever made was staying by your side; I know I made a wise choice.
I would never get tired of letting you know that you are the best and I love you!
The best thing that ever happened to me is loving you.
Feeling our hearts beat together as one whenever I hold you is the best thing in life.
I stole U from the alphabet because U belong to me!
The most valuable gift God has given to me is you, sweetheart!
All the best adjectives could never describe a special person like you.
We have been together for so many years that all I can see is my future with you.
It is best that we will be together until the day we live than until the day we die.
Real love goes way beyond physical attraction.
I would never be complete without my better half by my side.
People experiencing true love have the ability to make the impossible be possible.
True love is strengthened by pain.
Real love may be blind, but as it deepens it becomes your eye-opener.
True love cannot be defined but by the person who is deeply into it.
A barren tree is very much like life without love.
Sticking with love is lighter to bear than burdening oneself with hatred.
Love teaches better than responsibility.
Your flaws do not mean a thing to me because I really care about you, my cute love.
Your cute smile melt my soul!
Now that you are here beside me, I hardly think of the future at all.
You are the anchor that holds me whenever the storms wreck my life’s ship.
I may not be a warrior, but I can fight all life’s adversities if you are with me.
Maybe I am short, but I am cute, my love!
You are my world, so do not stray away from me.
The very first day I saw you, I came to love you.
I have always loved her, may it be yesterday, today, or in the future. I always would.
Just as long as I am something to her, I do not wish to be anything to anyone anymore.
He is the best thing that ever happened to me.
I would follow her anywhere she would want to go.
You may be a loser but you are the loser that is the only mine.
The formula of love is 10% of it is love itself, while 90% is how you react to it.
I would rather be with you than be in the company of others.
I chose you, not only this life. This is only part of the deal.
I would rather be with a man who would ruin my lipstick than my mascara.
I could cuddle with you for the rest of our lives.
Loving me when I least deserve it is when I need you the most.
Do not want to be your first in something; I just want to be your last in everything.
Fate would not allow us to part if you are really meant for me.

More: Whatsapp Love Status

Short Sad Status for Whatsapp [Sad Status for Whatsapp, Best Sad Status for Whatsapp]

Feeling Sad? Put your favorite Whatsapp Short Status regarding sadness and express your feelings through words. Words are one of the lethal weapons to make others feel about their mistake.

Choose from the below given Whatsapp Short Status sad which fits perfectly to your current mood.

Sad Whatsapp Short Status

Tab title
I don’t have a lot of friends, I just know a lot of people.
Sometimes it’s better to be alone. Nobody can hurt you.
If it’s not a happy ending then it’s not the ending at all.
Don’t cry because it’s over, smiles because it happened.
My silence is just another word for my PAIN.
The most painful memory.. when I walked away and you let me go.
When You Sit Alone …You Sit With Your Past.
Hate is like acid. It damages the vessel in which it is stored and destroys the vessel in which it is poured.
Life goes on with or without you!
You Always Get Hurt The Moment You Begin To Care.
Why does life keeps teaching me lessons that I’ve no desire to learn?
I smile not for that I am happy, but sometimes I smile to hide sadness.
I close my eyes and dream of a time when I wasn’t all alone.
I just want to fall asleep until I don’t miss you anymore.
The CURE for anything is salt WATER – Sweat, Tear, or the SEA.
Loneliness doesn’t KILL, but sometimes I wish it DID.
I have to cut because it’s the only way I can smile.
It’s better to be lonely than to be played by the wrong people.
I am not happy without you in Life.
Silence is the most powerful SCREAM.
I’m missing something in my life these days.
I don’t need drugs, Life is killing me slowly all by itself.
BEING IGNORED, worst feeling ever.
One night I burn in the fire of my own thoughts….
If it is not a happy ending then there is no ending…
When you are happy, you enjoy the music. But, when you are sad you understand the lyrics.
I felt a great emptiness without him, I will miss him for the rest of my life.
The most painful goodbyes are those which were never said and never explained…
How did I go from being so happy, to so sad?
Life is short, there is no time to leave important words UNSAID.
When you start missing, You fall in love again.
A tear is made of … 1% water and 99% feelings.
People cry not because they are weak, It’s because they’ve been strong for too long.
I’m not afraid to fall in LOVE, I’m afraid to fall for a wrong person again.
The irony of life is, it gives you the hardest of times when u least expect it.
My life is just one big heavy sigh.
Can’t deny that I want you.
I am not worthy of being in love.
That feeling when you’re not necessarily sad, but you just feel really empty.
Temporary happiness isn’t worth long-term pain.
I wish not to have feelings.
I can feel you forgetting me.
The World is mad and the people are sad.
Life is pleasant. Death is peaceful. It’s the transition that’s troublesome.
Sorrow is like a precious treasure, shown only to friends.
Absolute silence leads to Sadness. It is the image of death.
You Hurt Me But I Still Love You.
True Love Isn’T Found. It’S Built.
My Silence Is Just Another Word For Pain.
You Killed What Was Left Of The Good In Me.
I Wish I Could Ignore You Like You Ignore Me.
Sometimes All You Need Is One Person Who Cares.
Pain is the only thing that’s telling me, I’m still alive.
It really hurts when somebody else starts taking your place in someone’s life…
I love crying in the rain. Because when I do, no one can hear the pain.
You will not learn to love somebody if you do not love yourself.
In reality, no one cares, they’re just curious.
A fake smile can hide a million tears.
I hide all my scars with an “I’m Fine”.
My silence is just another word for my pain.
I’m not alone because loneliness is always with me.
I am only good at hiding my feelings.
Feelings are just visitors, let them come and go.
Behind my smile is everything you’ll never understand.
Smile and no one will see how broken you are inside.
And, I’m sad. Again.
Feeling empty inside 🙁
Sometimes it’s better to be alone, nobody can hurt you.
Loneliness doesn’t kill but sometimes i wish it did.
I don’t want to be alone, I want to be left alone.
You just can’t please everybody.
The expectation is the root of all heartache.
The expectation has always been my reason for the loss.
I fall too fast that’s why I hurt too much.
I would say I’m okay, but I’m done lying.
There’s a reason why I keep it all inside.
The quieter you become, the more you can hear.
Brain: Be patient. Heart: Until when?
No one cares. They’re just pretending.
And suddenly, we were strangers again.
You know my name not my story.
My brain and this world don’t fit each other.
My life feels like a test I didn’t study for.
Everything is strange. Life. People.
Has never hated life more, than I do at this very moment.
My heart keeps breaking.
No one understands my pain and that hurts!
I feel like everybody secretly hates me.
One of the keys to happiness is a bad memory.
The secret of happiness… is to have a bad memory!
Happiness is good health and a bad memory.
Depression is like a war. You either win or die trying.
Pain makes people change.
It’s the maybes that will kill you.
I killed a part of me to keep you alive.
I feel I’m missing, something in my life these days.
Most days I miss who I used to be.
If you lose someone but find yourself, you won.
Some people don’t change. They just find new ways to lie.
Some humans are really bad at being human.
Dear Brain, you were right.
Dear Heart, sorry for the damage.
Dear Pillow, sorry for the tears.
My tears explain the words I fail to speak.
I don’t care for those, who don’t care for me.
Stand up for what is right…even if you’re standing alone.
It is better to be alone than in bad company.
It’s sad to be happy alone in Life.
It’s too hard to stay alone in life.
I just need a little time alone…to recharge.
The biggest problem is: I still care.

Short  Whatsapp Status Funny [Funny WhatsApp Status, Funny Status in Hindi]

Having a great sense of humor is another plus in your personality. Amusing people around you and relieving their stress adds immensely to your overall personality.

Below here you will find the best collection of best funny Whatsapp short status. Have fun and keep smiling. Don’t forget to make others laugh around you. There is a real pleasure in creating harmony. 🙂

Funny WhatsApp Status

Best Funny Status
Dear Karma, I have a list of people you missed. 😎
Where there is a will, there are 100
It’s better to fail than to cheat but its better to cheat than to repeat.
I need 6 months’ vacation, twice a year.
Life is too short. Don’t waste it removing pen drive safely.
I should have come with a manual. I confuse myself.
For you men who think a woman’s place is in the kitchen, remember that’s where the knives are kept.
The first five days after the weekend are always the hardest.
As long as there are tests, there will be prayers in schools.
When everything’s coming your way, you are in the wrong lane.
If you can’t convince them, confuse them
Whenever I find key to success, someone changes the lock.
My wallet is like onion, opening it makes me cry.
If you can’t find the key to success, change the damn lock.
Do you know the meaning of ABCDEF? A boy can do everything for Girl. Reverse the meaning of, GFEDCBA … Girl forgets everything done & Catches new boy Again.
Married men should forget their mistakes. There is no need for two people, to remember the same thing.
If money grew on trees – girls wouldn’t mind dating monkeys.
Excuse me is your last name Gillette? …because you are the best a man can get!
C.L.A.S.S – Come Late And Start Sleeping.
Women only need 5 inches to achieve maximum pleasure, it’s called a credit card.
I am so poor, I can’t even pay attention
I have not failed, my success is just postponed for some time.
One person’s LOL is another person’s WTF.
Life is too short to update WhatsApp statuses
A day without sunshine is like, night.
A clean desk is a sign of a cluttered desk drawer.
100,000 sperm and you were the fastest?
A jealous woman does better research than the FBI.
Words cannot express how much I don’t care
Old fart, young heart.
Life is not a fairy tale, If you lose a shoe at midnight, you’re drunk.
I’m not 30, I’m 17 with 13 years of experience!- whatsapp short status
How to kill all your enemies? SMILE. 😀
No, there can’t be a crisis today. The boss is on leave.
My fate line shows a long road with a lot of traffic jams!
I drink to forget I drink.
ETC – End of Thinking Capacity.
I Graduated from the University of Selfies!
Marriage is like a workshop. Husband works and my wife shops.
Status Unavailable, please try and reload again.
Phones are better than GF, At least we can switch it off.
If the school has taught us anything, it’s texting without looking.
I used to like my neighbors until they put a password on their Wi-Fi.
I always give 100% at work: 13% Monday, 22% Tuesday, 26% Wednesday, 35% Thursday, 4% Friday.
Dear Google, Please stop behaving like a GIRL. Will u please allow me to complete the whole sentence before you start guessing & suggesting.
Thanks to Google, Wikipedia, and whoever the hell invented copy and paste. Thank you, Guys.


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