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500+ WhatsApp Status Love Quotes in English Hindi Urdu and Punjabi

Owing to the growing needs of loving couples, it is now a global trend to put up a fine and attractive 500+ WhatsApp status love to bring more pleasure in the relationship. Looking for Best Love Quotes and Love Status for WhatsApp? You are in the right place. We always aim to provide the best possible material one is searching on the internet. You will surely convince your crush with these fine and unique quotes. Find your favorite Love Status and Quotes for WhatsApp & FB here.

Whatsapp Status Love [Love Status And Quotes for Whatsapp & FB in English]

Whatsapp Status Love

Love Status and Quotes
When I met you, I found me.
Hey you. Yeah, you. I love you.
My first thought in the morning is always you.
I love you like a love song.
It doesn’t matter where I am. I’m yours.
I belong to you. I’ve belonged to you since the beginning, since before I ever knew that I did.
I got lost in you, and it’s the kind of lost that’s exactly like being found.
If it’s meant to be, it will be.
You are my favorite distraction.
Can I borrow a kiss? I promise I’ll give it back.
Some kisses are given with eyes.
I could spend hours looking at you and your smile.
So many of my smiles begin with you.
With you it’s different.
I belong to you. You belong to me. You are my sweetheart.
Some days are just HARD. But there is hope in tomorrow.
It’s been said that you only truly fall in love once. But I don’t believe it. Every time I see you, I fall in love all over again.
From the moment we started talking I knew that I wanted you around.
Distance means so little when someone means so much.
Yes, I’m thinking about you right now.
When Love Is Not Madness, It Is Not Love.
You Are The Light Of My Life. I Love You.
Love When You’Re Ready, Not You’re Lonely.
The Good Things In Life Are Better With You.
One day you’ll kiss someone and know those are the lips you want to kiss for the rest of your life.
He put me through hell and I called it love.
The day I met you, my life changed… The way you make me feel is hard to explain. You make me smile in a special kind of way. You make me fall deeper in love every day.
Love is not what you say. Love is what you do.
If someone asked me to describe you in just 2 words, I’d say… ‘Simply Amazing’.
When you love what you have, you have everything you need.
Missing you is my hobby, caring for you is my job, making you happy is my duty and loving you is my life.
Let’s make this lovely journey last for a lifetime, do not ever let me go, I am yours as long as you want me to.
I can’t promise to fix all your problems but I can promise you won’t have to face them all alone.
We love with a love that was more than love.
Your hand fits in mine like it’s made just for me.

50+ Love Quotes in Urdu With Pictures

Status Love WhatsApp Hindi [Status on Love in Hindi]

For our visitors from Indian Territory, they can find the Best Quotes About Love in Hindi here. Have Fun 🙂

Love Quotes in Hindi
बादशाह थे मिज़ाज़ के जब से उसको देखा फ़कीर बन गए 
तुम्हारे दिल का पासवर्ड चाहिए… वो क्या है ना मोहब्बत करनी है
मेहबूब सामने हो और नज़रें शर्म से झुकी रहे ये भी मोहब्बत की हसीन अदा होती है 
एहसास के पॉंव नहीं होते फिर भी दिल तक पहुँच जाते हैं 
उनकी निगाहों से ऐसे तूफान आया कि सब चकनाचूर हो गया
वो कहती सोच लेना मोहब्बत करने से पहले, अब उसे कैसे समझाऊँ सोच कर तो साजिश की जाती है
अजीब है नज़रों से बचना भी है, नज़र ना आए तो ढूँढना भी है
उससे बस इतना ही रिश्ता है कि अगर तकलीफ उसे हो तो रात भर नींद मुझे नहीं आती 
मोहब्बत साथ हो ये ज़रूरी नहीं, मोहब्बत ज़िन्दगी भर हो ये ज़रूरी है 
जब तुम मुस्कुराती हो तो ऐसा लगता है जैसे थमी हुई ज़िन्दगी फिर चल पड़ी
इतनी बातें करोगी मुझसे तो इस दोस्ती को प्यार में बदलते देर ना लगेगी
अठन्नियां सी 2 आँखें उसकी , दिल की गुलक में उतर गयी 
लोग आँखों में आँखें डाल कर इश्क़ का इज़हार करते है, हमारी तो पलकें ही झुक जाती है तुम्हारा नाम सुनकर 
जब कभी तुम मुस्कराओ बिना बात के समझ लेना हमारी दुआ कबूल हो गयी 
हमारे दिल में कौन है ये राज़ सिर्फ हमारी धड़कने जानती है
पता नहीं ये मोहब्बत है या नादानी मेरी पर हर वक़्त तेरे बारे में सोचना अच्छा लगता
प्यार भरी नज़र ही काफी है किसी की रग – रग में बसने के लिए 
प्यार का एक ही नुकसान है और वो ये है कि ये किसी भी से हो जाता है
नवंबर तो बीत गया बातों में, दुआ करो दिसंबर बाँहों का मौसम हो
मुझे पता नहीं था मोहब्बत क्या होती है, तुम मिले और ज़िन्दगी मोहब्बत बन गई 
लिख कर नहीं ब्यान कर सकते हम एक-एक बात, कुछ था जो नज़रों से नज़रों तक रह गया 
होंठो पे हँसी… आँखों में नमी… भीगी सी है मेरे दिल की ज़मी
दिन हो गए है ज़ालिम, रात हो गयी है क़ातिलाना
सच ही कहते है लोग की ख्वाइशों की कोई हद नहीं होती, मेरी अनगिनत ख्वाइशें देखो वो, वो और बस वो
हे भगवान् ! किसी एक की तो किस्मत बदल दे, उसे मेरी कर दे या मुझे उसका कर दे
इश्क़ और इबादत में नीयत साफ़ रखनी चाहिए
तेरे इंतज़ार में मेरा बिखरना इश्क़ है तेरी मुलाकात पर निखरना मेरा इश्क़ है
तुम्हारी सोच से भी ज्यादा तुझसे प्यार करती हूँ
तेरे ही ख्याल ही हैं जो हम सूने रास्तों पर भी मुस्कुराते जाते हैं
तेरे और मेरे दिल का रिश्ता बहुत अजीब है मीलों की है दूरियाँ फिर भी तू सबसे क़रीब है
तुम्हारी आदत है दिल दुखने की और हमारी भी ज़िद्द है तुम्हें दुल्हन बनाने की
दिल चुरा कर बड़ी अदा से बोली , वापिस लेने आये हो तो जान भी ले लूंगी
दिन तबाही के करीब आने लगे हैं जब से वो हमें देखकर मुस्कुराने लगे हैं
बहुत प्यार आता है जब मैं कहती हूँ मैं चली जाऊँगी तुम्हें छोड़ कर और वो कहता है मैं जाने दूँगा तब ना
तुम्हारी इन नशीली आँखों में कोई रास्ता नहीं माना हमने , पर हमें यूँ गुमराह भी मत करो
जिनसे रूह का नाता होता है, उनकी अनकही बातें का भी एहसास हो जाता है
सभी ने कहा अच्छा सोचो तो अच्छा ही होगा, मैंने तुम्हारे बारे में सोचना शुरु कर दिया, अब तुमसे अच्छा कौन है मेरे लिए
क्या तेरे नाम लिखूँ ? दिल लिखूँ या जान लिखूँ ? आँसू चुरा कर अपनी हर ख़ुशी तेरे नाम लिखूँ 
चाहे पूछ लो सवेरे से या शाम से ये दिल धड़कता है बस तेरे नाम से
बिलकुल एक जैसे हैं हम दोनों उसका गुस्सा खत्म नहीं होता और मेरा प्यार

WhatsApp Status Love Quotes [WhatsApp Love Status For Him/Her]

Above all the relations, the one most blessed from them is the relation between Husband and Wife. This blessed and lovely relation defines the true meaning of love. Putting up an attractive and heart touching status or caption increases the love between them even more. We hope you will find the best Whatsapp status love for your Husband/Wife here. Happy Searching 🙂

WhatsApp Love Quotes for Him/Her
We were given 2 eyes, 2 ears, 2 legs, but only one heart. Why? because we are supposed to find the other.
You’re the one reason I wake up in the morning
You’re the one reason I find a way to smile
You stole my heart, but I’ll let you keep it.
My weakness was chocolate, but now it’s you.
I didn’t choose to love you it just happened.
I miss you a little. A little too much, a little too often, and a whole lot more each day.
If I did anything right in my life it was when I gave my heart to you.
When I am with you, hours feel like seconds. When we are apart, days feel like years.
Nothing feels better than when you love someone with your whole heart and soul and they love you back even more.
Imagine someone who loves you so much, they make you love yourself.
When I close my eye, I see you. When I open my eyes, I miss you.
Always remember we are under the same sky looking at the same moon
You have no idea how much you make me smile, how much I love talking to you, or how much I wish you were here.
Missing someone is your heart’s way of reminding you that you love them.
Yeah, I’m Selfish Because I Will Never Share You With Anyone Else.
The Best Thing Is When You Look At Her & She Is Already Staring.
I Love It When I Catch You Looking At Me Then You Smile & Look Away.
My Love Is Not Completed With You. Help Me To Make My Love Complete.
I Know I’M Being Cheesy But It’S True I’ll Never Find Anyone Quite Like You.

Whatsapp Short Status in English [Short WhatsApp Status in English About Love, Best Whatsapp Status in English About Love]

Being a global trend nowadays, people are very fond of putting up a short or long WhatsApp status love for their husband, BF/GF, Son, Daughter, Brother, Sister, Mother or Father. You can find here the best collection of Short Whatsapp Status for Love. 🙂

Short Whatsapp Status for Love
Behind every successful man is a surprised woman.
There are a million things in the world I want, but all I need is you.
To the world, you may be but one, but to one, you might be the world.
Not all men are fools, Some stay bachelor.
My wife dresses to kill. She cooks the same way.
Love is when you tell a guy you love his shirt, then he wears it every day.
Love is like war, Easy to begin but very hard to stop.
A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself.
I am someone else when I’m with you, someone more like myself.
Love is what makes you smile when you’re tired.
Love doesn’t make the world go round, love is what makes the ride worthwhile.
Love: Two minds without a single thought.
Love: The triumph of imagination over intelligence.
When the angels ask what I most loved about life, I’ll say you.
Never trust your heart because it’s on the right side.
Love isn’t complicated, people are.
Your cute smile is all I need to battle all struggles in my life
There’s only 1 thing 2 do 3 words 4 you – I Love You
I want to run away with you. Where there is only you and me.
Dear crush!! You’ve crushed me
I want vitamin “U”
You are the only clock that’s ticking in my heart..!!
Late night conversations with our loved ones..!!
It’s not about her looks, It’s about her heart.
If you fall in love… be ready for the tears..!!
I can’t see myself without you. Sold My Soul to You ♥
My “last seen at” was just to check your “last seen at”.
Better to b alone than being with someone who makes u feel alone…
Thanks for being in my life
The heart that loves, stays always young.
Live life fully, no place for hate, only love.
Love is not about possession, Love is about appreciation
I’d cross the world for someone like you.
Hi, is a short, simple word but it’s how the love starts.
Love can be demonstrated not defined.
Don’t say you love me unless you mean it.
Love has no limits.
Everything is fair in Love and War.
I want another day with you.
You can’t stop loving short girls.
Just because I’m busy doesn’t mean I don’t love you
Some love one, some love two. I love one – that is you.
Every morning would be perfect if I woke up next to you.
When I’m sad don’t look at me – just kiss me.
I fell in love with you, I don’t know why or how. I just did.
Heaven is a place on Earth when you’re around.
All I want is to sleep and wake up next to you.

Love Status in Punjabi [Love Whatsapp Status Image]

See Also: Attitude Status for Whatsapp Instagram FB

Love Status in Urdu for Whatsapp [Love Poetry in Urdu Images]

A lovely relation between a girl and a boy needs more blossom which can be achieved by adding a cute and lovely whatsapp status love caption as per the mood. For people being in a relationship, you will surely love the below listed status/captions.

Love Status in Urdu for Boyfriend/Girlfriend
Ye kaajal, ye khulee-khulee zulfen , tum yoon hee jaan maang letee..
Dil chura kar bary adaa say bolee , Wapis lene aaye ho to jaan bhi ley loongi
Tumhari aadat hai dil dukhane ki aur humaree bhi zid hai tumhein dulhan banaane ki ❤❤
kaun kahata hai hamashakal nahin hote , dekh mera dil tere dil se kitana milata hai 💞 💞
Is tara nahi hai k mein tere bina jee nahi sakta, such to yeh hai k main tere bina jeena nahi chahata..
Agar tum suchy dil say mere ho ❤ Tu bas ik tum he kaafi ho..
Teri yaad kyon aati hai, ye maaloom nahi, lekin jab bhi aati hai bahut acha lagata hai..
Zindagi Dhoop Hai, Aur Tu Mera Saaya
Jin sey rooh ka raabta hota hai, unki un-kahee baatein ka bi ehasaas ho jaata hai ❤❤
Yeh duniyaan ke tamaam chehare tumhen gumaraah kar dengen, 😏
Thode gusse vaalee thodee naadaan ho tum , par jaisee bhee ho meri jaan ho tum ❤❤
Baithe hai mahafil mein … isee aas mein vo nigaahen uthaen to ….ham salaam karen 😊 😍……
Aankhen neechee karake apane raaste chala karo, log aankhon se bhee alafaaz chura lete hain …❤❤
Pyaar karana sikha hai….napharato ka koee thaur nahee, bas tu hee tu hai is dil me….. doosara koee aur nahee.
Suchii mohabbat to ek taraf se hee hotee hai, jo donon taraf se ho use kismat kahte hai 💏😘😘💏
Mera dil itna mera nahin jitna ye tumhaara hai…❤❤
Tumhaaree muskaan hee hamaaree jaan hai, muskuraate ho to jee lete hain ham.
Ek to sukun aur ek tum, kahaan rahate ho aajakal milate hee nahee.

Cute Love Quotes [Cute Love Quotes for Him, Cute Love Quotes for Husband]

For People Looking for the best Whatsapp Status Love for Husband, Boyfriend or for any of their loved ones, find below the best cute love quotes.

Cute Love Quotes
Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.
I may not be with you at all times, but I want you to know that you are never out of my heart. I love you!
If I had a flower for every time I thought of you, I could walk in my garden forever.
I saw that you were perfect, and so I loved you. Then I saw that you were not perfect and I loved you even more.
I talk about you like you put stars in the sky.
Just when I think that it is impossible to love you any more, you prove me wrong.
Loving you never was an option. It was a necessity.
If I know what love is, it is because of you.
You’re cute, can I keep you?
For once in my life, I don’t have to try to be happy. When I’m with you, it just happens.
Without his love I can do nothing, with his love, there is nothing I cannot do.
Your love is all I need to feel complete.
The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved; loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves.
The best feeling is when you look at him…and he is already staring.
I will love you until the stars go out, and the tides no longer turn.
I wish I could turn back the clock. I’d find you sooner and love you longer.
I may not be your first date, kiss or love…but I want to be your last everything.
In a sea of people, my eyes will always be searching for you.
Walk with me through life…and I’ll have everything I’ll need for the journey.
You don’t marry someone you can live with. You marry the person who you cannot live without.
You are my blue crayon, the one I never have enough of, the one I use to color my sky.
You give me the kind of feelings people write novels about.
You’re kinda, sorta, basically, pretty much always on my mind.
You are my favorite notification.
You stole my heart, but I’ll let you keep it.
When I listen to my heart, it whispers your name.
Ever since I met you, no one else has been worth thinking about.
He smiled, and all I could think was ‘Oh shit.’
You’re my spark in the dark.
You are my today and all of my tomorrows.
A sea of whiskey couldn’t intoxicate me as much as a drop of you.
Hold my hand, and I will go anywhere with you.
You make my dopamine levels go all silly.

Whatsapp Status Lines for Love in English [Whatsapp Status For Love]

Whatsapp Status for Love

Whatsapp Status Love
Trying to learn to say NO to people.
Fall in love. Visit both heaven and hell for the price of one.
Every new day is another chance to change something in your life, every new day is a chance to feel blessed for what you have.
Always tell someone how you feel, because opportunities are lost in the blink of an eye, but regret can last for a lifetime.
It takes a million brains to explain what love is, but only 2 hearts know.
Protect her like a daughter, love her like a wife, and respect her like your mother.
Family is not only about blood relations. It is about who is willing to hold your hand when you need it the most.
The person who really loves u sees what a mess u can be, how moody u can get, how hard u are to handle. but still wants you in his life.
I’m in love with my dreams, married to success and having an affair with life
Every man needs a woman when he’s in mess, after all in a game of chess a queen protects his king…
If someone hurts you, don’t mind it. It is the law of nature, “The tree that bears the sweetest fruits gets the maximum number of stones.”
Overthinking can make a person blind to the beauty of life.
If someone really wants to be a part of your life they will seriously make an effort to be in it.
When the heart takes over, the mind can’t do a thing!! ❤ ❤
I won’t deny that I like you. Neither would I admit. 😛
I will love you forever until the end of time! No matter what you do! Cause you are mine forever! And nothing you do will make me stop loving you 😊 ❤
Place your time and energy on someone who will add sunshine to your life.
Life is too short to waste on the wrong one.
True love is when she talks non- stop and you are still interested in listening to her.
Don’t love too much, don’t care too much, don’t trust too much; because that too much can hurt you too much.
I don’t know if I like you or love you, want you or need you, all I know is I love the feeling I get when I’m near you.
If you expect something in return, It’s called business, not love.
Insomnia can be a blessing if you have someone to talk with, the whole night…
You may be someone to the world but you are the world for someone. ♥ 🙂
Love does not consist of gazing at each other, but in looking together in the same direction.
Bees love honey…people love money…but I LOVE YOU
Let love be your motivation – the driving force behind everything.
We fight like a married couple, talk like best friends, and flirt like first loves.
I’m scared to look at u. B’coz the more I do. The more I fall in love with u…!!!
Life can give us a lot of beautiful persons, But only one person is enough for a beautiful life…♥
Last night I hugged my pillow and dreamt of you. I wish that someday I’d dream about my pillow and I’d be hugging you.
I love you like a fat kid loves cake.
Real boyfriend sees no other females Because his eyes are only dedicated to his girl….
Love is like a rubber band held at both ends by two people when one leaves it, other gets hurt.
If a hug tells how much I love you, I would hold you in my arms forever.
I fell in love with your smile. I fell in love with your eyes. I fell in love with your voice. Mostly, I fell in love with you
Loving someone is giving a person more than you think they deserve because you know they deserve it.
If you have no new message from you dear man, it’s nice to read even the old ones
I did three things today; miss you, miss you and miss you.
Love is nothing more than a word that you used when you stole my heart.
Girls before guys, partying before studying, and friends before love.
Beautiful people are not always good but good people are always beautiful.


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