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HomeTechLocal SEO Strategies for Ranking Dental Websites on Google

Local SEO Strategies for Ranking Dental Websites on Google

Running a successful business doesn’t only include having the required skills and certifications to do the job. There are a number of other aspects business owners need to take into consideration, no matter if their business is based online or offline. Having a responsive website is one of the crucial marketing strategies that not only drives new business, but also improves the business reputation. Do check out this article on HIP’s guide for dental SEO.

In this article, we’ll talk about local SEO strategies, how to improve local ranking on Google, and why responsive dental websites are important.

Why are Responsive Dental Websites Ranking Better?

One of the first things you should know is that responsive websites rank better on search engines because they provide a better user experience compared to websites that aren’t mobile-friendly.

If you want to improve local ranking on Google or any other search engine, it’s essential to have a website that will be easy to navigate on both larger and smaller screens. A recent survey shows that almost half of all web searches are done over a mobile phone or tablet. There are still more desktop web searches compared to mobile web searches, but the difference is minimal. 

Unique Dental Marketing states that responsive websites allow users to browse the optimal version of the website depending on the device that they’re using at a certain time.

According to Unique Dental Marketing, mobile searches are increasing, and it’s of the essence to follow the latest trends to increase website visibility and ranking. 

Another reason why a responsive website is one of the primary local SEO tactics and digital marketing strategies is that most traffic coming from social media is on mobile devices. The percentage of mobile web searches and website visits is rising, which is why it’s essential to have a website that’s easy to navigate both on desktop and mobile devices.

Improve Local Search Visibility With Google My Business

Google My Business is one of the most underrated local SEO SEO strategies that can significantly improve website ranking and visibility. Using Google My Business is essential for businesses that sell products or services in person because it allows the business to be seen on Google Maps. If a user searches for “dental office near me”, they’ll get results based on their location, and the businesses that are listed in a certain radius around them. Aside from being featured on Google Maps, Google My Business users are able to edit their phone numbers, website, and business hours. Although a Google My Business profile won’t improve local ranking on Google for the website itself, it will improve the visibility of the business online.

How To Improve Your Local Ranking On Google With Social Media?

Aside from having a responsive website, having a strong social media presence can also improve local ranking on Google. By interacting with customers and potential customers, you can drive significant amounts of traffic from your social media accounts to your website. Facebook, and Instagram, for example, allow geo-tagging, which is one of the strategies to drive local SEO. Many businesses utilize this by creating photo opportunities in front of, or inside their business. 

Because people spend at least an hour a day browsing social media, it’s important to utilize this opportunity and be in touch with potential customers on a regular basis.

Can Customer Reviews Improve Local SEO

A great way to build trust in your local community is by asking your customers for genuine reviews. When you set up your Google My Business account, your customers will be able to leave reviews about your business. The great thing about the Google reviews is that the business can’t have an effect on what the customers will write, no matter if it’s good or bad. Unfortunately, there have been many situations where fake reviews have been written, but your most loyal customers will always leave a good review, if you did your job right.

The more positive reviews your business has, the more likely it will be that Google and other search engines will recommend your website and your business to people looking for a product or service..

Provide Valuable Information Through Your Blog Section For Free

Having a blog section on a website is essential because potential customers always look for information before they decide on buying a product or service from a specific business. A blog section is a great way to provide valuable information to your customers. By implementing specific keywords that target a specific community, you’ll be able to answer the most commonly asked questions. Posting regular blog posts is one of the best on-page local SEO tactics and digital marketing strategies that you can invest in as a dental business. 

Even though the information you provide is free, it will not only educate your potential customers, but it will build authority. People that find answers to complex questions on a specific website are likely to come back to the same website when they have another question about the topic. The value boosts trust, and it’s much more likely your website visitors will convert to regular patients in your dental business.


There are many local SEO strategies you can implement in order to improve local ranking on Google for your website.

We’ve listed a few ways to improve your local ranking on Google, but it’s a continuous process that shouldn’t be forgotten about. Like any type of marketing effort, ranking dental websites on Google takes time.

The most important thing about ranking a dental website on Google is to start, however, if you rather want to focus on your work instead of marketing, there’s always the option of delegating this type of work to a certified agency with experience such as Unique Dental Marketing.

By choosing a specialized agency in ranking dental websites, you can rest assured that all the latest SEO practices will be used to rank your website and reach a large number of potential customers in your local area. 



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