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HomeTechAll about 5G, advantages, benefits, and evolution

All about 5G, advantages, benefits, and evolution

Advancing both at the European and national levels, the coverage of the latest generation mobile network is gradually expanding. And more and more people are getting access to the new generation of the network. But there are still places where people need a 5g signal booster uk to take advantage of the latest connection. Therefore, in this article we will tell you as much as possible about the current state of 5G and its coverage.

What is 5G?

It enables a large number of applications and new additional services, promises a higher speed of access to the network, turning it into a programmable platform. 5G opens up great opportunities for business, nature conservation areas and citizens, and its potential has yet to be partially revealed.

Although the market is still in its infancy, there has been talk of 5G networks for several years. The issue has been thrust further into the spotlight by the alleged link between 5G and Covid-19, a fake news story that helped bring fifth-generation networks to the fore, but in a confusing and misleading way.

In fact, 5G allows us to revolutionize entire areas of our economic and social life, having a decisive impact on the digitalization of the country. This is because it is not only a faster or more reliable communication network, but it is a new way of conceiving the services that will be included. When talking about 5G, it is more correct to talk about the connection platform and the development of applications and services than about a simple data transmission network. Based on these assumptions, this guide aims to definitively clarify the issue of 5G networks.

How does 5G work?

Compared to the third and fourth generation of cellular networks that helped bring the Internet to mobile devices, 5G represents a rather distinct discontinuity. And it’s not just about data transfer speed. There are three evolutionary dimensions that made this generational transition unique:

  • Increased network access speed (extended Mobile Broad Band – eMBB) up to 10 Gbit/s;
  • Higher reliability and lower delay (Ultra Reliable Low Latency Communications – URLLC) up to 1-2 ms;
  • Increasing the number of connections to devices with low energy consumption (mass machine-type communication – mMTC) – 1 million devices per km^2.

These are three physical dimensions, usually incompatible with each other, that require a clear management of radio resources so that they are allocated to different services according to needs. The properties of low latency, increased reliability and connectivity make 5G capable of enabling multiple workstations and a large number of new applications. This technological evolution is best summarized by the triangle of 5G applications and services below.

The main capabilities of 5G

Therefore, one of the main innovations of 5G is a technologically more complex system than in the past. While this complexity increases infrastructure challenges related to coverage, frequency, and connectivity, it opens up business opportunities barely imagined with 4G standards. In this part of the guide, we will focus on the main architectural innovations related to 5G. Knowing them will help us understand the real potential of these networks.

High speed and low latency

As can be seen from the definition of 5G, the new mobile network guarantees a higher speed of calculations and data transmission, as well as a lower delay and response time. The increase in the spectrum of available frequencies combined with the introduction of dynamic antennas capable of multiplying the capacity of the system allows 5G to obtain greater efficiency of the assigned spectrum even if you use a 5g signal booster in the UK.

Computing and mobile peripheral computing

The fifth generation allows for large-scale peripheral computing with high computing capabilities and low latency of access to computing resources. This property turns the 5G network into a true programmable platform for custom applications. The physical location of the servers that provide this most interesting computing power is to the edge, on the edge.

Virtualization and slicing

5G can be influenced in specialized logical networks. Network slicing allows you to create several virtual networks on the same physical infrastructure, using methods of virtualization of both transmission and computing resources. This means that the 5G network guarantees the full functioning of several applications in parallel, which can be managed by new entities.

Dedicated coverage at high frequencies

For many high-traffic B5B 2G applications, special coverage is required that can meet the performance requirements of these applications. In this sense, millimeter wave technologies are fundamental for high-power rooftop detection, such as in high-traffic urban areas or indoors.

Coverage, providers and business projects

After the theory, it’s time to understand what happens in practice. Is our country ready to embrace the revolutionary coverage of 5G? Despite the strong media attention, there are still few UK companies, like UCtel, fully committed to the technological potential of 5G. Slightly more receptive ICT companies, which, not surprisingly, have the role of promoters of the market based on new networks.

Modernization and testing processes are constantly being carried out in the UK. Remote monitoring, which is used especially in smart cities and agriculture, has become the most widespread. Other areas of application are health care, predictive maintenance in large distributed infrastructures, the entertainment industry, tourism and video surveillance. However, there are still places where the coverage is not quite good. In such cases, people need to rely on a 5g signal booster in the UK to get the full benefits of 5G. Such equipment is supplied by such companies as UCtel.

Besides, commercial projects are also involved in the development of the network. Most of them have been carried out together with some large companies and concern quite heterogeneous application areas, such as solutions to improve human driving safety, unmanned vehicles and intelligent roads capable of interacting with vehicles, monitoring of assets distributed throughout the territory (for example, public city lighting, waste management, Smart Grid).


The introduction of 5G in the panorama of mobile radio communication technologies will improve existing services, as well as provide innovative services, some of which cannot be achieved with the help of modern technologies. Thus, this revolution will not only apply to distinctly digital areas such as the smart city, entertainment, home automation and mobility. Even the most traditional economic sectors (agriculture, retail, healthcare, education) will benefit from the reliability and speed of transmission and computation characteristic of 5G networks.



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