Sunday, February 9, 2025


Children are the god-sent messengers of happiness. A small blink from the eyes of a child can make wonders in your mind. They have the most infectious thing in the world. Don’t go wild imagining what it must be. It is their pleasant smile, which is highly contagious that immediately spreads to your face. Isn’t it?

Children have the superpower of making everyone happy. Their tender hands, when felt, calm down even highly tensed individuals. Aren’t they living wonders which always make people admire their cuteness and innocence?

On the flip side, today’s children are tomorrow’s future. Am I correct? If yes, isn’t that our duty to protect them from the very first minute of knowing about their arrival to the point of their maturity? If yes again, there should be proper means and practices to ensure a healthy future for children. To provide a healthy future for children, we must be aware of the facilities available for the same.

The foremost facility required from the point of their conception till maturity is a medical facility. This is because, in the current era, various new diseases and disorders frequently set in even when the fetus is within the womb. So a highly efficient medical facility that caters to all the needs for the healthy development and survival of children is a high priority.

As we discuss this today, our forefathers who are future knowers had already developed the most efficient medical practice, Ayurveda. Having its origin in India, Ayurveda is one of the top-notch medical practices that spread from India to all over the world. Today, international medical institutions are providing ayurvedic courses by recognizing their value. Colleges in India such as Mansarovar Ayurvedic Medical College(MAMC), an ayurvedic medical college in MP provide multiple ayurvedic courses.

This article will shed light on the ancient Indian Medical Practice, Ayurveda, and the facet of Ayurveda that deals with child healthcare.

Glimpse about Ayurveda:

Ayurveda means “Science of Life” when translated from its Sanskrit language. It is a holistic practice of medicine that has its roots in the Indian Subcontinent. This significant medical practice was developed, practiced, and recorded in scriptures and other old formats by our forefathers.

Ayurveda prescribes medicines such as tonics and laxatives which are directly derived from natural sources like medicinal herbs, shrubs, etc. Ayurveda is not only about medicine. It also involves incorporating traditional practices such as yoga, etc along with healthy diets to treat medical ailments. Ayurveda covers a wide range of physical treatments, mental therapies, and surgeries that covers almost the entire human body.

Ayurveda is a strong pillar in the medical sector and has sustained decades of decades. Many colleges like MAMC, an ayurvedic college in Bhopal have stepped forward in providing extraordinary ayurvedic courses thus ensuring the sustainability of Ayurveda, our Indian practice in future generations.

 Ashtanga of Ayurveda:

Sushruta, an ancient Indian physician also known as the “father of Indian medicine” and “father of plastic surgery” has written a book titled “Sushruta Samhita” which is the oldest text in the world for plastic surgery. Along with it, he wrote other books titled “Charaka Samhita” and “Ashtanga Hridaya”. This great legend has divided Ayurveda into eight significant branches and named it “Ashtanga Ayurveda”.

Here are the eight branches of Ayurveda:

Ayurvedic BranchAllopathic branchAyurvedic Branch Description
KayachikitsaGeneral MedicineTreatment of metabolic and systemic disorders.
Shalya tantraSurgeryTreatment using blunt and sharp objects for diseases which include incision, excision, etc.  
Shalakya tantraENT and Ophthalmology  Treatment of diseases affecting head, eyes, ears, nose, throat, neck, and tongue.
KaumarabhrityaPediatricsTreatment of children’s health-related diseases and disorders
Agad TantraToxicologyTreatment of diseases or conditions occurring due to bites or stings by insects, animals, etc and the effect of various types of poisons and toxins
Bhuta Vidya  Psychology  Treatment deals with handling metal issues and involve mental therapies
Vajikarana  AphrodisiacsTreatment related to increasing sexual capabilities, potency and virility
Rasayana  GeriatricsTreatment related to old age diseases and problems.

The best ayurvedic hospital in India will have experts in all the above eight branches of ayurveda.

 Kaumarbhritya- Pediatric branch in Ayurveda:

As we were discussing the healthy future for children, this branch of Ayurveda is responsible for the same.

Kaumarbhritya is also known as “Bala Chiktsa”. This branch of Ayurveda deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases in children during pregnancy(fetal level), childbirth(parturition), and childhood phase till maturation to adulthood.

This branch of Ayurveda involves a detailed study of prenatal and postnatal baby care along with different ailments under the branch of gynecology. This branch concentrates on developing a healthy future society thus commencing its scope from the fetal phase.

Kaumarbhritya is a majorly pediatric branch yet includes maternal care as well. This branch involves prescribing special diets and medicines for the mother before, during, and after pregnancy as the state of the mother’s health has a direct impact on the infant’s health until breastfeeding.

As a pediatric branch, it deals with various disorders concerning children’s health such as gastrointestinal diseases, teething disorders, rickets, etc, except midwifery. This branch involves providing various natural and herbal remedies for different minor ailments of newly born kids.

Kaumarbhritya also includes the following practices:

  • Art of nursing and healthy bringing up of infants
  • Purification and bettering of mother’s milk
  • Characteristic deficit traits handling

Therefore, Kaumarbhritya is an ayurvedic branch that is being used in the ayurvedic treatment of children all around the world including ayurvedic treatment in Bhopal.

Renowned ayurvedic medical colleges and hospitals like Mansarovar Ayurvedic Medical College(MAMC), a private BAMS college in Madhya Pradesh have well-trained doctor professionals under the Kaumarbhritya branch to ensure the healthy future of the children.

 Scope of pursuing Kaumarbhritya branch in Ayurveda:

As today’s world is facing a lot of health issues, it is our duty to protect children from such situations and secure their health in the future. As this responsibility requires the support of expert doctors who can handle the health conditions of children ranging from infants to kids under 16 years of age, pursuing a degree that involves KaumarBhritya, a branch of Ayurveda that deals with pediatrics will have wide career opportunities in the hospital sector.

The demand for experts in KaumarBhritya keeps increasing in the upcoming years. Colleges like MAMC, a BAMS college in Bhopal also being hospitals hire ayurvedic doctors from the KaumarBhritya branch.


Children are the assets of the future world. They have a lot more to experience and achieve. For doing so, it is vital to keep proper track of children’s health care. Kaumarbhritya is an ayurvedic practice that has a high potential to ensure a healthy future for children without any negative effects.



  1. Is there any separate course for pediatrics in Ayurveda?

Yes, there is MD in Ayurveda with a specialization in Kaumarbhritya that deals with pediatrics.

  • Can the BAMS course provide complete knowledge about Kaumarbhritya?

No, BAMS provides basic knowledge about all branches of Ayurveda including Kaumarbhritya.

  • Can MD Kaumarbhritya perform surgeries on children?

No, only MS in Shalya Tantra can perform surgeries.

  • Do students have to write any entrance exams to join MD Kaumarbhritya?

Yes, ayurvedic colleges consider NEET-PG scores for admission to MD courses in Ayurveda.

  • Do MAMC provide MD in Kaumarbhritya?

No, MAMC doesn’t provide MD in Kaumarbhritya. MD/MS in Prasuti Evam Stri Roga, MD/MS in Shalakya Tantra, and MD/MS in Ayurved Samhita Evam Siddhant is provided in MAMC.



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